How to calculate NAV of Mutual Fund


As an investor, understanding the Net Asset Value (NAV) of a mutual fund is crucial. NAV represents the per-unit value of a mutual fund scheme and serves as a critical parameter for assessing the fund’s performance. In this blog post, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to calculate the NAV of a mutual fund.

What is NAV of Mutual Fund?

Net Asset Value (NAV) is the value per unit of a mutual fund scheme. It reflects the total market value of a mutual fund’s assets minus its liabilities, divided by the total number of units outstanding. NAV is typically calculated on a daily basis, as mutual funds are valued at the end of each trading day.



Let’s understand the steps of gathering the required information to calculate the Net Asset Value (NAV) of a mutual fund.

a) Total value of the fund’s assets: To determine the total value of a mutual fund’s assets, you will need access to the fund’s financial statements or monthly fact sheets. These documents provide a comprehensive breakdown of the investments held by the fund. The assets can include a variety of securities such as stocks, bonds, money market instruments, and other financial instruments.

It’s important to note that the value of these assets may fluctuate based on market conditions, changes in interest rates, and the performance of individual securities. Therefore, it’s advisable to use the most recent valuation of the assets when calculating the NAV.

b) Total value of liabilities: In addition to assets, mutual funds also have liabilities that need to be considered when calculating the NAV. Liabilities can include outstanding expenses, fees, and dividends payable to investors. These liabilities are deducted from the total value of assets to determine the net assets of the mutual fund.

Similar to the assets, the information about the fund’s liabilities can be found in the financial statements or monthly fact sheets. Pay attention to any accruals or outstanding liabilities that need to be accounted for in the calculation.

c) Total number of units outstanding: To calculate the NAV, you need to know the total number of units issued by the mutual fund. This information represents the number of shares or units held by all investors in the fund. The total number of units outstanding is usually provided by the fund itself and can be found in the fund’s prospectus, annual reports, or other official documents.

It’s worth noting that the total number of units outstanding can change over time due to new subscriptions or redemptions by investors. Therefore, it’s important to use the most up-to-date information available when performing the NAV calculation.

By gathering accurate and up-to-date information about the total value of assets, liabilities, and units outstanding, you can ensure the accuracy of your NAV calculation. This information allows you to evaluate the fund’s performance, monitor changes in its value, and make informed investment decisions.


To calculate the NAV of any Mutual Fund, the following steps are required:

Step 1: Determine the total value of assets: Add up the market value of all the securities held by the mutual fund. The market value represents the current worth of the investments, which can include stocks, bonds, money market instruments, and other financial instruments. This information is typically available in the fund’s financial statements or monthly fact sheets. Ensure that you are using the most recent valuation of the assets for accurate calculations.

Step 2: Determine the total value of liabilities: Sum up all the fund’s liabilities, including any outstanding expenses, fees, and dividends payable. These liabilities are deducted from the total value of assets to arrive at the net assets of the mutual fund. The information about liabilities can be found in the financial statements or monthly fact sheets. Pay attention to any accruals or outstanding liabilities that need to be taken into account.

Step 3: Calculate the net assets: Subtract the total value of liabilities (Step 2) from the total value of assets (Step 1). The resulting amount represents the net assets of the mutual fund. Net assets reflect the value of the fund’s assets after deducting its liabilities.

Step 4: Determine the total number of units outstanding: Obtain the total number of units issued by the mutual fund. This information represents the number of shares or units held by all investors in the fund. The total number of units outstanding is usually provided by the fund itself and can be found in the fund’s prospectus, annual reports, or other official documents. Ensure that you use the most up-to-date information available.

Step 5: Calculate the NAV: Divide the net assets (Step 3) by the total number of units outstanding (Step 4). The resulting figure is the NAV of the mutual fund. The NAV is expressed as the value per unit or share of the mutual fund.

NAV = Net Assets / Total Units Outstanding

By following these steps, you can calculate the NAV of a mutual fund. The NAV provides a key measure of the fund’s value per unit and serves as an important indicator of its performance.

It’s important to note that NAV is typically calculated on a daily basis, as mutual funds are valued at the end of each trading day. Therefore, the values of assets, liabilities, and units outstanding may vary from day to day, reflecting the market movements and changes in the fund’s composition.

NAV Calculation Example

Let’s consider an example for better understanding:

  • Total value of assets: Rs. 10,000,000
  • Total value of liabilities: Rs. 500,000
  • Total number of units outstanding: 500,000

Applying the formula: NAV = (Rs. 10,000,000 – Rs. 500,000) / 500,000 = Rs. 19

In this example, the NAV of the mutual fund is Rs. 19 per unit.


Calculating the Net Asset Value (NAV) of a mutual fund is a straightforward process that involves determining the total value of assets and liabilities, as well as the total number of units outstanding. By understanding the NAV, investors can evaluate the performance of a mutual fund and make informed investment decisions. Remember, NAV is just one factor to consider alongside other metrics and the fund’s investment objectives and risks. Stay informed and consult with a financial advisor for personalized guidance when investing in mutual funds.

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